
privacy policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy policy

  1. Improve compliance program on personal information protection and continuously improve it. In addition, we will provide education on personal information protection to all employees.
  2. As a service industry, we establish a management system for personal information protection according to the actual situation of business and set detailed internal rules concerning the collection, use and provision of personal information and handle it appropriately.
  3. We will implement safety measures to ensure the accuracy and safety of personal information and strive to prevent and correct illegal access to personal information or loss, destruction, falsification, leakage etc. of personal information.
  4. Respect the rights of the information entity and when requested to disclose, correct, delete, or refuse to use self information from the information entity, we will respond to reasons of reasoning in light of social norms and practices.
  5. We will comply with laws and other norms applicable to the protection of personal information and conform compliance program on personal information protection to these laws and other norms.

Established September 1, 2018
Hotel Sun Okinawa

About your privacy

Hotel Sun Okinawa (hereinafter referred to as “our company”) may ask you to provide your personal information during the content and business activities of our website.
Therefore, we respect the privacy of your privacy and believe that the use of personal information is based on your own will, and we have the following privacy policy.

  1. Acquisition About us When we keep personal information by customer’s application of services, requests, inquiries, questionnaire surveys, etc., we will use as much as possible what personal information is used Specifically, it specifies and explicitly stated. Also, we will endeavor to keep personal information that we have once received from customers in an accurate and up-to-date state in accordance with the initially stated purpose.
  2. Scope of Use We will use personal information we have received from you only within the appropriate scope of our service and our business. In addition, we do not use personal information for purposes other than the originally stated purpose or provide or disclose it to any third party without the consent of the customer himself.
    Personal information obtained prior to the enforcement of the Personal Information Protection Law will also be used only within the appropriate range of our services and services we will receive and use personal information for purposes other than obtaining, We will not provide or disclose to any third party without your consent.
  3. Management We will handle personal information you keep from customers safely under strict control in accordance with our compliance program.
    Therefore, when handling personal information at our company, we will set up a manager in charge of management, and we will strive for necessary and appropriate measures to prevent leakage and loss etc. of personal information and to manage safely.
    In addition, if the customer wishes to inquire, modify, etc. the customer’s personal information, we will respond promptly at reasonable scope at the point of contact.
  4. System Regarding our company, we will conduct educational awareness-raising activities for employees and strive to raise employee’s awareness of personal information protection.
    In addition, we will comply with the laws and regulations applicable to personal information held by our company, we will review our compliance program as necessary and make efforts to make improvements while making additional corrections.